Natural Jams

Watermelon Jam

Watermelon Jam

The watermelon which is rich in Vitamin A, C, in minerals such as potassium…

Pumpkin Dessert

Pumpkin Dessert

It is fiber-rich, very effective and important for heart health and intestines health.

Coconut Jam

Coconut Jam

It is especially effective for people who has digestive troubles, stomach ulcer…

Saffron Jam

Saffron Jam

Saffron stimulates the nerves, It is useful for neurasthenica…

Chilli Pepper Jam

Chilli Pepper Jam

It reduces the cholestrol, fastens the metabolism and strengthens…

Ginger Jam

Ginger Jam

It is widely used to strengthen the immune system, at the treatment of inflammation…

Milk Jam

Milk Jam

It is unique for bone and tooth health…

Walnut Jam

Walnut Jam

It improves and renews the brain cells, reduces the cholesterol…

Cardamom Jam

Cardamom Jam

Cardamom plant belongs to ginger plants family. It is helpful for cold diseases…

Vanilla Jam

Vanilla Jam

Smelling the vanilla odor settles the body, it can be used for losing weight due…

Carob Molasses

Carob Molasses

It has a great hematinic feature, also increases the body resistance…

Apricot Jam

Apricot Jam

It is effective on constipation and indigestive disorders…

Coffee Jam

Coffee Jam

It prevents the formation of gallbladder stone…

Gummastic Jam

Gummastic Jam

It’s very effective on stomach disorders such as heartburn and acid reflux…

Quince Jam

Quince Jam

It protects the nerveous system and strengthens the memory…

Blackberry Jam

Blackberry Jam

It protects the brain, imroves the digestive system, strengthens the immune system…

Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam

It reduces the cholesterol and protects our cells against cancerogenics…

Sour Cherry Jam

Sour Cherry Jam

It protects the memory by supplying brain cell wall antioxidant protection…

Raspberry Jam

Raspberry Jam

It cleans the blood and helps body to clean toxine from it…

Chestnut Candy

Chestnut Candy

It’s one of the richest food that contains high percentage of potassium…

Kiwifruit Jam

Kiwifruit Jam

It is important for cardiovascular health with its blood thinner impact…

Pumpkin Jam

Pumpkin Jam

It is very powerful antioxidant and helps to avoid constipation due to its rich fiber ingredients…

Lemon Jam

Lemon Jam

It is widely used for abdominal distension and to avoid intestinal gas…

Pine Cone Jam

Pine Cone Jam

It is very effective on respiratory tract diseases such as asthma, bronchitis…

Thyme Jam

Thyme Jam

It is effective on cold and coughing, also is really good appetizer…

Orange Jam

Orange Jam

Orange strengthens the body and immune system…

Fig Jam

Fig Jam

It is fibrous fruit that speeds up and eases the digestive system…

Olive Jam

Olive Jam

It balances the cholesterol and protects the heart health…

Tomato Jam

Tomato Jam

It improves and renews the brain cells, reduces the cholesterol…

Rose Jam

Rose Jam

Rose jam is powerful antioxidant…